E School Life: uno sguardo in video alla visual novel di Entergram dai Nintendo Switch nipponici

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video dedicato a E School Life, titolo disponibile prossimamente sui Nintendo Switch nipponici.

La visual novel di Entergram e Hooksoft sarà infatti pubblicata il prossimo 25 giugno 2020 sull’eShop giapponese di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di 6,600 yen.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.


Ryoutarou had been forced to live and study overseas for the past six years due to his parents’ work. He confided to his childhood friend Tooru, who was living in Japan, that he hated it.

“I’m surrounded by the guys in the class and can’t even get a chance to talk to the girls…. I don’t want my teenage years to end like this!!”

Tooru sympathized with Ryoutarou upon hearing his difficulty with the language barrier and desire to return to Japan, and talked with his parents about the possibility of bringing him back. After convincing his parents, Ryoutarou was able to return and live in a room share with Tooru. He was thrilled to be back on native soil, but more importantly, that he will be able to talk with girls! He’ll be able to fall in love at his new school!

“Why did you plan on doing when you came back to Japan?”
“Of course fall in love! I want girl friends!”


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